Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why I don't want to go to the circle jerk final year retreat next week.

Simply, it seems pretentious, as well as a waste of three freaking days my time. Oh, and not just days, the seminars go till something like 10pm too. Group hug, talk about yourself type sessions simply make me feel really nervous, I don't want to talk about my personal life with those freaks? I've had 6 years to do so. If anyone cared the slightest about me, or my life at school, they too have had years without the help of some councilor telling them to. Sure, everyone may hug and forget about their difference for a day or two, but in the end it all goes back to them being jerks and using anything said against them.

I'm perfectly polite and helpful to people, doesn't mean I have to suddenly become bosom buddies, jeeze. If I like someone, they'll probly know about it pretty quickly. I'm not someone to frek around, you know?

I just think it's total bull that I'm expected to go or have negitive reprocussions on my VCE? I Don't see how that works or how they justify that at all. Seems like total bull to me in any case. There's no way they could make that affect your grade. lol

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's aaaaa one eyed, one horned flying purple plant eater!

If you don't know the song, you likely don't understand the title, which is ok. Go look it up, now. Epic.
But many people have misconceptions about vegetarianism, and specifically about mine. I'mma see if I can explain this to you jerks.

1) Huh, cheese isn't meat? Huh, candy isn't meat? Huh, yogurt isn't meat? Huh, cream isn't meat? ECT
Answer: a) Although many vegetarians don't bother with this, I'm a little bit more strict than most. Cheese for example, while it may not be a bleeding lump of flesh, does actualy contain product from a dead animal, the coagulant, rennet.
Natural rennet is extracted from the inner mucosa of the fourth stomach chamber of young, unweaned calves. These stomachs are a by product of veal production.
b) Yogurt, cream and almost all mints and soft lollies contain gelatin, sourced from partial hydrolysis of collagen from skin and bones. it is used to set many products such as yogurt, candy, cream, marshmallows and jelly.

2) Meg, why do you say you're vegan when you go out when I see you eat dairy or egg products at home LIARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?
Answer: Becuase, simply put, it's too freaking hard to go through the whole "oh, does this have microbial rennet?" "can you double check on that yogurt?" when half the time they really don't care and are all like "Sure, sure it's vego...totally" Just saves arguments, time and confrontation.

3) Meg, why do you support and show interest in pharmaceutical testing in animals! You're SUCH a freaking hypocrite.
Answer: Hey now, who said I was a vegetarian because I care about animals? I just REALLY hate plants. Save all my hate for them.
No, no no, seriously now. The reason I do not eat meat is I don't believe in killing for pleasure, I mean, if I had to, I was stuck out on a island or something, I'll rip those cute bunnies a new nose hole.
I see eating animals as a "pleasure" as it's not necessary. People do it for taste, or the convenience of getting nutrients. When it is not required. I dont think I'm too unhealthy myself >.>
My opinion is the same for makeup. I hate the stuff on SO many levels, but that's another rant for another day. But torturing a life so you can hide behind a mask to deceive others of your appearance? seems like some kind of joke to me. that goes beyond my distaste for meat, Sorry ladies.
Pharmaceutical and medical testing directly saves lives and actually has a constructive use to mankind other than getting in mankind's pants. (Sorry ladies).
I do think human life has more value than animal. But that doesn't mean animal's lives are worthless.

4) Soy? I heard that makes your breasts big!
Shut up.
Soybeans contain genistein and daidzein which are the source of phytoestrogens in Soy. Because most naturally occurring estrogenic substances show weak activity, normal consumption of foods that contain these phytoestrogens should not provide sufficient amounts to elicit a physiological response in humans.
Genistein yes, if you pump yourself beyond what you would normaly eat healthily up may rarely act as a female hormone and have an effect on secondary sexual characteristics.
But on a flipside they can actualy block receptors of estrogen and inhibit these characteristics more often than not .
Thus the whole stick-esque vegan image.

5)How do you get iron, and protein and stuff? is it like...hard? :O
Answer: No, you get used to combining partial protein like beans and grains. eating truckloads of wilted greens for iron. Hardest thing to get naturally in my diet is B12, as it's unable to be synthesized in the human body, plants OR animals, only made by bacteria commonly found in meats and dairy products :X I tend to try and take pills for that. Also need to watch folate, as folic acid major influence on the absorption of b12. But too much masks deficiency.
Not much bacteria in fruit. unfortunately. Stupid heath and safety regulations

Non ranting answer? Yes it's hard but it just becomes a part of life.

Random PS. I was just reading ahead into chromatography in my chem book...I look forward to working with something called a retardation factor, LOOOOOL and people wonder why I love it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Has it come to this?

Now that school's starting, hearing about everyone's amazing overseas' trip, debauchery, drama and such, it kinda makes me think "what do I do with my life?"

I sit on a computer for hours, taking abuse from people who I cannot stand to reach some kind of vague end.
What do I have to show for it? a 3.1k wow heroes gearscore and being on half the server's ignore list, OH YEAH BABY

I'm becoming kinda bitter about recent online drama, I think that's having a bit of a toll on positive relationships with others, some I hope to salvage, others very much not.

If I've been a cow to you lately, and you don't entirely hate me yet, by all means drop a line, would be much appreciated :D