Now that school's starting, hearing about everyone's amazing overseas' trip, debauchery, drama and such, it kinda makes me think "what do I do with my life?"
I sit on a computer for hours, taking abuse from people who I cannot stand to reach some kind of vague end.
What do I have to show for it? a 3.1k wow heroes gearscore and being on half the server's ignore list, OH YEAH BABY
I'm becoming kinda bitter about recent online drama, I think that's having a bit of a toll on positive relationships with others, some I hope to salvage, others very much not.
If I've been a cow to you lately, and you don't entirely hate me yet, by all means drop a line, would be much appreciated :D
1 comment:
Speaking of salvaging relationships and dropping lines, Zoe is back here to stalk you. o_o
Seriously, I wanna get back in touch because I feel responsible.. A lot. Also because I miss you. :P Send me an email oh won't you? I'm at flowerneko@gmail.com (Please don't laugh. ._.')
P.S. Has Yusari Takio disappeared off the face of the planet?
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