Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rapscallion downed [Ogre Pinata] 25 man!!!!!

It's really annoying actually, as we haven't made ANY progress in 10 or 25 man ICC since putricide, and even that's too hard for people now. Doing icc25 yesterday, we were hitting enrage at about 16% on fester25, I mean, there are people CLEARLY not pulling their slack as dps, looking @ meter there are people doing 4k dps and under...I know it's lovely to have a guild run and all, but I personally would prefer to bring some pugs in and actually get it done, as this whole business makes me not want to really try anymore ): I mean, I've been saying FOREVER that we need to have some kind of "class captain" things, where the top players actually take some time to talk to those of same class and discuss how to standardise the dps and stats people stack. It would help our progression and loot council imo.

Ps: or just ditch the mentality that we are a serious competitive raiding guild, and promote we're more a fun, flexible bunch of people who still enjoy clearing content

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