Monday, May 3, 2010


I've been confronted from many people, on my opinion on relationships, romantic, family, friend or whatever! or problems within a relationship. I'm just going to answer most common sort of questions and issues I'm personally confronted with.

(not that I claim to know about life and relationships, I honestly have very little world experience, just my observation and personal reflection)

One issue I see, all the time, in friendships, romantic relationships, and families is the belief that you cannot relate to people with dissimilar personalities and interests. Thus, reject those who are different.
My own opinion is that having a different perspective, skills hobbies and ways of relating to people and the world brings something new to the relationship and helps you to understands different points of view, extent your own concepts. Especially in a close or romantic relationship, where you are required to work as a partnership when relating to each other, as well as 'outsiders'. Having different attitudes and ways of dealing and different skills are really great for personal growth and working through life. (and hey, if you think that your friend, family or partner's hobbies are stupid, if you care about them, and they support it it must have some merit, right? :) )
Further digressing, I think that way too many people thrust themself into a close, personal relationship, thinking knowing personal things, about them and their experiences and life is knowing the person. You cannot know a person just from what they do and their personal moments, whether you can live from them day to day tends to depend on how they relate to other people, many and varied situations, how they operate and react. Which is, really, only learnt through time and observation. In my opinion

Then again, feelings and emotions are complex :) Foolish humans... :P

Casual Sex? I personaly disagree with it, telling me that you need to regularly have sex for your mental/physical health tells me you suck at jerking off and have no imagination. You have needs? Sure, you can have all kinds of crazy things happening with all the strange people you want. In your head. Once you take it outside of your head, you open yourself for
a) STDs
b) Emotional involvement/damage, don't really know other's circumstance or motives
c) Pregnancy with a person you don't care for
Long term, and short, much better and healthier to keep sex to a deeper, caring, personal experience. Within an exclusive relationship (yeah, that's my excuse..... :P )

This is just something about people that repels me right away, just wanting to throw it out there, I mean, sometimes I get people who you know, feel like they get along well with me and relate to me after meeting, and will absolutely throw themself at me, every time they see me within 200 metres, "hey, how you doing's your weekend, what's ur opinion on this, help me with this, guess what happen to me today!" blah blah, it really intimidates me '~' Or people online, who every time I log on, within a second start trying to get my attention, talk to me, ask opinions, tell me how great I am (?) I'm not a baby, I don't need affirmation from near strangers every two seconds, that seems more like you're sucking up than want to be my friend.
I just sort of think friendship is a process that you cant really force or leap into like that? I like certain etiquettes and personal space observed. I DO NOT want to hear about how your stepfather beat you, you don't feel as pretty as everyone else and your boyfriend never texts you anymore after knowing you for a week, it's DAMN AWKWARD. Ok? That's personal shit.
If you want to chat, or say hi, that's lovely, just please no smothering, unless you know I want you to smother me :3 then by all means go ahead, you know who you are!!!

Prolly gonna add more to this later, but all I have time for, so peace <3 Please leave me a comment or drop me a line about your own opinion and disagreements, love to talk to people :)

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