Friday, August 8, 2008

Burger flipper

I went to school today to pick up stuff I’ve missed (been sick last week) and the turd-muncher career adviser. I’ve been trying to get my work experience papers for about a month and I keep getting fobbed off or waiting at his empty office for an hour.
Anyway…I tried flagging him down and he pretended he had no idea who I was, and blah, balh. Asked why I wasn’t in uniform, scoffed and rolled his eyes when I said I was sick. (I’m dripping grebliez from every spot it can squeeze out Dx) And then went on about my wearing a t-shirt when sick, how could it possibly be a WARM DAY and I may have a fever. But he knows better than me. he then started calling random people up and asking if I looked sick. I tried walking off but he bribed me with work experience forms. (AMGZZZZZZZZZZ) I said mum was expecting me back in a minute and I didnt have time to fart about but he went on and on about how I couldnt possibly be busy, because all I ever do is sit around watching pathetic shoujo anime. Yup
I said mum was waiting with a screaming infant and if you’re trying to make a point I DON’T appresiate it.
The point is, he ended up dragging me up and taking his sweet time with photocoping an unreadibly blurry wrk exp form. (H then when I went to pick up humanities work from the receptionist at the office told me my HR teacher was leaving and pressured me into going into the class to say something (dude, she was just sultana-caking changing departments!?!)

Anyway, rant done

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