Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ace attorney series review

Ace attorney is fabulous! The plot and characters are engrossing, the art is nice, the actual gameplay is more like a book where you have to figure out half the plot along the way, as the story is liner and has NO flexibility.

Plus....Edgeworth is hawt

You aren't utilising the DS unless you're screaming OBJECTION into it


the interface is very simple, it has two modes, investigation mode, and court mode. court record connected to the R key and upper right touch screen at all times.

Investigate foo!

when you enter a room, often a person is in it, use the TALK button to talk (coulda fooled me) click the subject you want to talk about. You can shove evidence in their face too with PRESENT (My personal fave is "attorney's badge" 'I'm a lawyer! now tell me all your deep...dark...secrets..') use EXAMINE to look around the area and MOVE to change location

Play ball!

Courtroom mode is watching the fun mostly, in CROSS EXAMINE you need to squeeze info out of the buggers with PRESS and point out contradictions with PRESENT. Occasionally you're asked to make a decision, in most cases, just believe your client is as innocent as fresh fallen snow.

gameplay is fun, but no options or free will. Too linear You're led by the hand by the arrow of doom. so as much as I love it, gotta give a 6.5.....


The expressions are cute and the areas have pretty good detail. No 3d usage though expect for the last case of game one and appolo justice, which is SORELY underused





pure pwn

would give a 7, but Edgeworth sounds hot



Character development is great. It doesn't give a black and white view on anyone. Even Phoenix is a nutty gay stalker. I think the relationship with reoccuring darlings such as Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Fransica Von Karma, Maya, Larry/"Laurice", Dahlia Hawthorn adds another dimention to the characters.

The plot is really good, if unrealistic, the courtroom is a freaking circus, the witness, detective, prosicuter, judge is always guilty....cant we have a straight trial?


Overall, one of the BEST series ever (ignoring Apollo justice, the only thing I liked about that game is how he got screwed about by Phoenix and his "daughter") and I TOTALY reccomend 8.2/10 overall!!!

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